Hi, I'm Adam

A Freelance Sitecore Developer & Consultant living in Manchester helping develop and deliver awesome websites for clients.

I love technology, food and music.

Adam Seabridge

About Me

I've been developing websites and applications for over 13 years, begining with ASP and PHP and progressing to .NET and MVC.

I currently work as a freelance Sitecore and ASP.NET developer at Flux Digital providing development and consultancy services on Sitecore 6.5 > 8.1.

I've worked on a number of different multi-site Sitecore solutions across various sectors; including working with Sitecore MVC, SPEAK, developing Sitecore Modules and WFFM customisations

I try and help out on Sitecore Stack Exchange and often write about Sitecore on the Flux Digital blog.

I am just as excited by the web as I was when I started all those years ago. I love working in a progressive industry, refining and developing my skills and techniques to stay on top of the game.

I grew up in Cornwall so love beaches and the sea, when I get chance I like to travel and see the world.

Key Skills

The following are key skills that I use regularly.

Sitecore WFFM SPEAK Octopus Gulp Unicorn ASP.NET MVC PHP SQL/TSQL CSS HTML Jquery XML XSL Responsive Design Wireframing Prototyping ORMs Team City Solr Telligent Wordpress Webservices C# Tridion UX Design OO Design SVN / GIT Usability Grunt Technical Documentation Unit Testing Technical Architecture Consultancy Team Leadership

Contact Info

You can find me on Email, Twitter, Stack Overflow and LinkedIn.
